Professional Home Inspector Training by Gary Rose - CMI CGLI
Home Inspector
Training, exam proctoring, test inspections & peer reviews.
Are you currently, or thinking of becoming a Home Inspector
within Alberta? If so, and you're unsure of which way to turn
then consider the following, it is by far the cheapest & easiest
way to become a Home Inspector within the province of Alberta.
Once you become a member of InterNACHI, all the study material &
education to become a fully licensed professional Home Inspector
in the province of Alberta, is provided online by InterNACHI -
its FREE, and second to none!
For those that have a construction background, the feedback from
various people that have taken exams, & have completed a test
inspection & peer review, have found InterNACHI's study material
to be very professional, educational, concise and well
For those that have no construction background, the feedback is
mixed and studying takes a little longer. That said, everything
you need to become a Home Inspector is well covered with in
InterNACHI's course material - and its FREE to members!
All that said, & depending on your background & input, and how
well you retain information, you can study at your leisure - no
classroom or peer pressure, or with experience you can fast
track yourself & people have been known to complete the entire
course within 6 to 8 weeks - easily!
Having completed the course, but never having completed a Home
Inspection before, you now need to arrange final exams, test
inspection & peer review, & this is what most students find
daunting & unnerving. Even with a construction background lots of students
become nervous when the time comes to remove the cover from your
first electrical panel & examine the components & test properly
- there's much more to a proper electrical inspection than just
standing there and shining your torch on the breakers! The same
can be said with the heating system, structure, roof, siding & sump pumps etc.. contrary
to popular belief, you NEVER ever, test a sump pump by pressing
down or lifting the float!
This is where the following Home Inspection 1 to 1 training
comes into play, you can incorporate it with your study or just
call to arrange the training - whichever you prefer.
Consider the following for onsite training:
01/. One to one training with actual onsite training - not a
classroom setting where your training time
that you have paid for is shared with other
02/. Test, use and experience our Thermal
Imaging cameras.
03/. Proper training & understanding in electrical testing &
inspection from a certified electrician.
04/. Proper training & understanding in heating systems by a
certified Heating engineer.
05/. Proper training & understanding of building components &
the role they play.
06/. Proper training & understanding of plumbing - how to test &
warning signs to look for.
07/. Proper training & understanding of Sump pumps.
08/. Proper training & understanding of roofs, siding &
guttering - signs to look for etc...
09/. Test inspection & Peer review fees included.
10/. How to write a clear & concise professional Home Inspection
11/. Learn about Home Inspection contracts - clauses etc...
12/. Learn about Home Inspection reporting software - what to
use, altering menus, adding
components etc..
13/. Home Inspection advice for life & aftercare included in the
14/. Advise on E & O Insurance and General Surety Bonds. That saving alone can cover the vast
majority of the mentoring fee/s.
Trust me, there are many insurance
companies out there in Alberta and Ontario that will easily
take full advantage of you being a new to
the Home Inspection industry and charging you
outrageous fees!
Just that information & saving alone as paid for your training!
I have over 35 years experience in the residential, commercial,
electrical, gas heating
& Home Inspection industry, & with the above 1 to 1
training & InterNACHI's education, you will have a much better understanding
of components, what they are, what they do, & the role they
play. You'll also learn warning signs to watch out for - trade
tips etc... all the information that's not in study material.
With 1 to 1 hands on training, you do not have to worry or have
that awkwardness of asking those embarrassing questions, things
you've always wanted to know about Home Inspection, but were too
afraid to ask in front of others!
With our 1 to 1 training,
you'll also be in a much better position to answer, fluently &
without hesitation - all the questions a client or Realtor may
ask you, creating a professional image in the process - instead
of guess work!
Based on InterNACHI's study material, and the above hands on - 1
2 1 Home Inspector training, you'll now be in a position to
carry out a full and proper Home Inspection, and provide your
perspective clients with a detailed report & the
professional service they deserve!
The benefits of becoming a member of InterNACHI are endless,
here are just a few examples but not limited to:
1/. Free education and study
2/. Free design & logo service.
3/. Free continuing education
4/. Business & Marketing - online & free for members.
Sign up and become a
member today for just $49.00 (us) per month by clicking this link,
this will give you access to your 202 hour Alberta Home
Inspection training course FREE!
The costs involved to become a Home
Inspector can vary greatly, depending on your
input & time.
However, the following costs include all the
above training (deposit required ) as listed, 1 through to 14:
Total cost $2,199.99 -
(less $500.00 - or an agreed figure; non-refundable deposit)
assuming you complete the InterNACHI study
material within a 3 month term - this would
amount to:
Total cost $149.47 [US]
If you complete InterNACHI's course in excess
of 3 months just add $49.00 + GST (US) for each month
to the above study material cost - our onsite training cost is
Compare this method with other Home
Inspector schemes, 52 plus hours in class but
you still need to study another 150 hours at
home online!
This method is by far the cheapest, easiest,
quickest, most beneficial & financially
lucrative way to become a Home Inspector within
Why pay thousands more in training material
and courses when you can join InterNACHI &
they're FREE, for exactly the same material?
Remember, this is one to one training too so
you have our 100% attention all day long - not
shared or divided time!
Compare this method, in 'detail'
with any other Home Inspection training method
on the market and you'll see its by far the
easiest and cheapest method for the exact same
Having obtained your Home Inspectors licence,
you can save thousands by studying InterNACHI's
Thermography, Indoor air quality & mould courses,
advanced courses in all aspects of Home
Inspection, all FREE to InterNACHI members -
online education - why pay hundreds of dollars for
nothing more than a glossy binder?
CMI - Certified Master Home Inspector:
Based on education and experience, you may
qualify for a CMI designation which is by far a
simpler way to obtain your Home Inspector's
licence. This is a stringent process and the
details can be found by clicking here:
if you wish to discuss the CMI application
process, or feel you meet the criteria, but have
questions, regarding any
aspect of the above training, then please do not
hesitate to contact me.
If you wish to book for training then please
with your InterNACHI membership details.
Kind regards,
