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The sign you're getting
the very best of the best.
Gary Rose - CMI
CMI - Verification


Sherlock Homes Inspectors

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Professional Home Inspectors serving Calgary, Okotoks & surrounding areas




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Frequently Asked Questions

When deciding to have a home inspection on your property, there are always going to be the inevitable questions which will leave you wondering as to what the answers will be. In order to try answer some of your questions, we have taken some of the most common ones and answered them accordingly.

If you do have a specific question and its not listed here, please feel free to contact me and I'll do my best to address any concerns that you may have.

The first question that 99% of clients tend to ask first, is:

"How much will a Home Inspection cost?"

This will be dependent on several factors: distance, square footage & 'developed' space. In order to obtain a total 'fixed' inclusive cost, either email, text or call with the MLS number or full address of the property.

"Do I need to be present during the Inspection?"

No. You do not need to be present during the inspection. However, if your schedule allows - I would highly recommend that you are present, as it is a valuable learning curve and lots of clients feel they have benefited from being present during the Home Inspection. The benefits are endless, as you can ask as many questions as you feel necessary, I can also explain current or future maintenance requirements which will you give you a better understanding when consulting your completed Home Inspection Report.

"What will you Inspect?"

The Inspection will consist of a visual observation and adhering to Internachi's Standards Of Practice, which can be found by clicking here: Internachi's SOP

"What does a Home Inspection include?"

Home Inspection reports cover all the major systems and structural elements of the house. This includes the condition of the property - including, heating and air conditioning systems, electrical & plumbing systems, attic, roof, visible insulation, walls, foundation, doors, windows together with all structures that are visible.

"What is a Home Inspection report?"

A Home Inspection, is a professional and visual examination of the accessible systems and physical structural elements of a property. The idea of a home inspection, is to identify existing or potential future problems - that could/would affect a prospective purchasers decision.

"Do I really need a Home Inspection?"

For most people, to purchase a home is probably the largest and most single investment they will ever make. Based on this, it makes sense to try and establish as much as you can about your proposed purchase before you decide to buy - remember, a small investment now in order to protect your largest investment!

"Home Inspection - is it really a wise investment?"

If you were to consider the average person's next largest purchase - a car, it would be fair to say that 95% of people would obtain a Carfax or Carproof report when purchasing a second hand car.

The idea of this, is to obtain as much about the cars history prior to purchase, and at an average price - of say $10,000.00 that is 1/40th of the cost of an average home price - remember - your 'largest investment' yet many people question whether a home inspection is necessary.

By giving the example of the car purchase, and making a relatively small investment in a Home Inspection Report, you have the assurance that any unwanted surprises and issues, once having purchased your new home have been brought to your attention with regards to your 'largest investment'.

"Do I need a Pre-Listing Inspection?"

If you are selling your home, a Pre-listing inspection will highlight any potential problems that might be discovered later by the buyers inspector. Once the issues are brought to your attention, this will then give you the opportunity to address them prior to listing your home - which in turn will make a swift & smoother sale for all concerned..

"Why use a Thermal Imaging camera during a Home Inspection?"

By using a Thermal Imaging Camera, this can highlight many hidden issues within a home that would not be visible to the naked eye.

A Thermal Camera can be used to detect hidden water leaks, problems in coils in under-floor heating systems, missing insulation, energy loss in various areas of the home, and much more.

A Sherlock Homes Inspectors report, will enable you to make an educated decision about the condition, pre-listing or purchase of your home and its integral systems..

"How long will the Home Inspection take?"

This will depend on the age, size and condition of the property in question. Our inspection is anything from 2 to 3 hours for up to - and including a 2,000 Sq ft home. Obviously a larger home, or a home which has been subjected to lack of maintenance over a vast period of time, will take longer to inspect. Either way, there is no set time limit, our home inspections take as long as they take. 

But the cost to our client remains the same!

95% of home inspections in Calgary are around 1 to 2 hours, always ask how long your inspection will take, if it's 1 to 2 hours - you would be well advised to stay clear as these type of inspections are a complete waste of time, money & are pointless!.

"When will I receive my Home Inspection report?"

Your inspection report will available for your perusal normally within 24 hours of the inspection.

This will be sent via email in PDF format. The Sherlock Homes Inspectors Report will contain high resolution colour photographs together with any deficiencies discovered within the property..

"Will you carry out any remedial repairs discovered during the Home Inspection?"

Unfortunately, no. The InterNACHI code of ethics that we are governed by does not allow its members to carry out repairs to a property that we have inspected, within a 12 month period of discovery, relating to deficiencies listed within the report. This code of ethic assures the client, and reduces the risk of any conflict of interest by the inspector. The purpose is to provide an unbiased & visual report on the current condition of the home at the time of the inspection..

"Would a newly constructed home require a Home Inspection?"

Yes, a home inspection of a new home is just as important as a home that is several years old. In fact, this is probably the best time to have an inspection, so any deficiencies, shortcuts or potential issues can be brought to the attention of the builder/construction company whilst the walls are open - which can then be addressed whilst still at the construction stage - and more importantly - before you have parted with your money. Experience has shown, that it's far easier to get a builder or construction company, to co-operate & address issues and deficiencies before payment, than it is when they've been paid.

Should you have any additional questions, or need discuss your individual requirements do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards

Gary Rose - CMI CGLI





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All rights are reserved and all material contained within this website remains the property of Sherlock Homes Inspectors & is Copyright Protected

G. Rose